Dark or Light

Dan Fortier

June 2006
Last Active
February 2018
One Shot Wonders: The Art of Stealth

This week, Dan Fortier takes a hard look at stealth in MMORPGs in the most recent incarnation of his weekly column, MMOWTF.

The Rule of Simplicity

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier talks about the idea of difficulty in MMORPGs from what we have, to Perma-Death to a difficulty system.

Infamy in MMOs

This week in his MMOWTF column Dan Fortier uses a piece of fiction to punctuate his views on playing an infamous outlaw character in an MMORPG.

The Waiting Game

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier talks about what happens to MMORPG players when we're waiting for our next big game.

How Do You Like Your PvP?

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier takes a look a subject near and dear to his heart... PvP.

To Twitch or not to Twitch

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier takes a look at the idea of using twitch-based combat in an MMORPG.

Giv Beta Plz: A Look At Testing

This week, columnist Dan Fortier returns to talk about the meaning of beta testing.

Flair Follows Function

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier tackles the subject of complexity in MMORPGs and how flashy new features can sometimes be a hindrance to a smooth game.

Gold Farmers? Oh Noes!

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier muses on the subject of Gold Farming and MMORPGs.

The Console MMO Apocalypse

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier muses on the subject of MMORPGs for the next-gen consoles.

From Sandbox to Linear and Back

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier talks about getting a balanced diet of both freeform sandbox-style games and linear progression games.


Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier uses this week's edition of MMOWTF to talk about Nerfing in MMORPGs.

Going Solo: The Grouping Dilemma

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier shares his own personal opinions on solo play versus group play.

Don't Fear The Reaper? Maybe You Should.

Weekly MMORPG.com columnist Dan Fortier tackles the question of whether or not we should really have something to lose from death in MMOs.

Where's the Wanderlust?

This week, in his most recent MMOWTF column, Staff Writer Dan Fortier tackles the idea of dynamic content and true MMORPG exploration.