November 2011
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August 2013
One of the thing that many of us realize is that the MMO-genre is a bit stale. Why is that when, at least according to our latest No Elves Allowed column, "the sky should have been the limit"? Find out and then let us know what you think!
Salem has a lot of appeal for people as a game that brings back "the good old days" of MMOs with features like permadeath and more. We had the opportunity to chat with Creative Director Björn Johannessen about Salem. Keep reading and let us know what you think in the comments.
In today's No Elves Allowed column, we take a look at the ever-controversial idea of permadeath. Death in MMOs is not very, well, death-like and it appears to be getting less and less inconvenient by the game. But what about permadeath or at least a painful death? Would you do it? Read what we think and then let the discussion begin in the comments.
In the pre-WoW days, people used to play this oddity called a MUD or "multi-user dungeon" which in many ways was the precursor to today's MMOs. In a new article devoted to WildStar, we look at how Carbine Studios is utilizing the MUD mentality...and at a few of our concerns with regard to the same. Read on!
With our brand new column here at, we are reaching out to those of you who are sick and tired of the traditional high fantasy MMO. Judging by a recent study, that means we're talking to a lot of you. Check out "No Elves Allowed" to find out what exactly we're talking about here. Leave us a few of your own thoughts in the comments.