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William Murphy

Bill is the former Managing Editor of MMORPG.com, RTSGuru.com, and lover of all things gaming. He's been playing and writing about MMOs and geekery since 2002, and you can harass him and his views on Twitter @thebillmurphy.

July 2006
Last Active
January 2021
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Bill’s Favorite Games of 2018

Looking back at 2018, I can’t say if I have just one favorite game. I’ve played more great games this year than I can count, but there are some that stand out for sure. From MMOs to Single Player, my backlog of games to finish keeps growing, and I wouldn’t have it any other way. But if I had to pick just a handful of games as my favorites from 2018, this would be the list.

My Wants for Fallout 76

The launch of Fallout 76 has been... well let’s just say that I doubt it went the way Bethesda was hoping. But as a fan of two MMOs that have really turned things around through communication and perseverance (FFXIV and ESO), I’m hopeful that 2019 could bring good things to Fallout 76. It’s not a quick road back to the good graces of angry gamers, but the following is a list of things that I’d like to see from the dev team in the new year.

Atlas ain't quite ready to sail the seas, matey

Atlas is ambitious. It’s going to be, with time and development, one of the singularly most massive MMOs ever created. But right now, in Early Access, and even for the low sale price of $25, I’d recommend against buying it. The promise of everything you saw in that Gameplay Trailer is there, but the rough state of servers and performance mean you’re better off waiting to see if things improve even if it means spending $5 more.

The RPG Files: Book of Demons Review

Thing Trunk’s Return 2 Games (R2G) initiative is aimed at paying homage to some of the greatest games from the 90s with their own take on modern classics. Book of Demons, the first such title, is quite obviously a riff on Blizzard’s classic Diablo. But it’s not just a click to loot and kill fest that the Lord of Terror so deeply loved - it’s something unique and engaging all on its own.

For Honor outlines an ambitious 3rd year of content

If you're one of the throng still playing the online medieval action game For Honor, you're in luck - Ubisoft has loads planned for 2019.

Warframe's The Profit-Taker update is out now on PC, gives you big ass guns

Warframe's latest update to Fortuna, The Profit-Taker has officially been released on PC today. Not only does it add new quests and content, but it also finally lets you rip those guns off your ship and wield them like the total Schwarzenegger badass you are.

Thoughts on Vikendi and the State of PUBG

Although Playerunknown’s Battlegrounds has been around for well over a year now, its developers have been keeping its hardcore fanbase busy with plenty of great new features for the acclaimed battle royale title.

Shooting Stuff with the Black Desert Online Archer

To my dismay, Black Desert Online hasn’t quite evolved into the group PVE direction I wanted when I reviewed the game years ago. But that doesn’t mean I’ve given up on Pearl Abyss’ wonderfully complex and gorgeous MMO. I still go back every so often, but it’s been several months since my last visit. This time, my return was brought on by the Legolas-But-Not-Really Archer, the new male ranger class that was added this week.

The RPG Files: You Should Check Out Ashen

This Thursday’s Game Awards had more than a few surprises, one of which was that Epic’s developer-friendly game store opened up and had a few great games already available. Impulse game buy that I am, I snapped up both Supergiant’s Hades (because duh) and A44’s stylish but mysterious RPG, Ashen. Let me tell you, I’m glad I did.

The Outer Worlds Official Announcement Trailer

Debuted at The Game Awards 2018, Obsidian's next big RPG is The Outer Worlds - a new first-person RPG from the original makers of Fallout and the dev team behind Fallout: New Vegas.

Anthem: Pulling Back the Veil on Lore

Anthem is set to launch this February, but it still seems like there’s a lot we don’t know about the game. Ahead of tonight’s Video Game Awards, EA hosted a press junket where they told us a bit more about the game’s story, and gave us the news that the VIP Pre-Order DEMO will come in late January, with an “Open for Everyone” Demo the first week of February. Read on for more details.

Notmycar is a Battle Royale for Auto Assault Fans

While it began quietly doing some testing earlier this year, it seems the folks at Skybound and NMC Studios are ready to tear the roof off their own particular take on the Battle Royale genre. Notmycar is going to be a perfect hybrid of Battle Royale and car combat games like the ill-fated Auto Assault, with a Closed Beta “Test Drive” kicking off this weekend on December 8th.

A Nuclear Reminder: Beta Should Be For Testing

When I look at this year’s game snafus, most recently the growing pains that Fallout 76 is experiencing, I’m reminded of a simpler time when online games were young and the lure of using playtests as marketing tools was nearly non-existent. There was a time, as many of you probably remember when a beta test was actually a test and not a way to drive sales or generate hype for a game through the use of influencers.

Happy Thanksgiving from us to you!

It's been a long year, and when the world is looking bleak, confusing, or downright mean - it's nice to know that we have this hobby to fall back on, to escape into. And we're thrilled that we get to share that with you.