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Craig McGregor

January 2002
Last Active
August 2021
More Heroic Android Pack Keys!

MMORPG.com has been given even more gift keys for MapleStory that will grant players the Heroic Android Pack. In this pack is a ton of cool stuff like Neinheartroid, Lidium Heart, Secret Sign Damage Skin Coupon and much more! Get your key now while they last!

Gift Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given special gift keys for Mabinogi that will give players the purrrfect gifts! Each gift key will grant you a pair of "devCAT Earmuffs" and a "Cat Paw Club" - get your free gift key now!

14 Day Free Trial Giveaway (EU)

MMORPG.com has been given 14 day trial keys for Lineage II Classic operated by 4Game for the EU region. Get your free trial key while they last!

Random Hero Box Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given special gift keys for Marvel Heroes 2016 that will give players a "Random Hero Box" which will unlock one of 58 super heroes! Get your key now while supplies last!

Road Warrior's Hoard Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given special gift keys for Wizard101 to give out to our community. These special keys will give players one item from the pack or a rare chance at the entire pack! Items you could win include the Deathmetal Skull (Level 1 version), Tailstorm Pantera, Arcane Floor Glyph and so much more! Get your key now!

Heroic Android Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given a limited number of gift keys for MapleStory that will grant players the Heroic Android Pack. In this pack is a ton of cool stuff like Neinheartroid, Lidium Heart, Secret Sign Damage Skin Coupon and much more! Get your key now while they last!

More Alpha Test Keys Available!

MMORPG.com has just received additional alpha test keys for the sandbox MMORPG Das Tal. Get your key now and get in the game!

Tons More Early Access Keys with MMORPG.com Cloak!

MMORPG.com has been given a large batch of additional keys for Adventure Quest 3D early access. These keys will also give you an exclusive cloak in game with the MMORPG.com logo on it! Get your key now!

Early Access Plus Exclusive MMORPG.com Cloak!

MMORPG.com has been given some exclusive keys for Adventure Quest 3D open beta that begins next week. Not only will these keys get you into the game but they will grant you an exclusive MMORPG.com branded cloak! Get your key now!

Alpha Test Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given alpha test keys for Das Tal which opens up on July 16th! Das Tal is the world's first Sandbox Survival Arena - bringing together MOBA tactics and Sandbox MMO strategy. It makes MMOs fun again for PvP fans. No more grind. No more pay-to-win. No more tab-targeting. Get your key now!

WEBZEN.COM’s 2016 Summer Event Code Giveaway!

Webzen and MMORPG.com have teamed up to help celebrate this summer season! These gift keys will allow you to claim tons of prizes for one of many Webzen games including ASTA, C9, Flyff, ELOA, MU and Rappelz! Get your gift key now and enjoy the free summer goodies!

Gift Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given special gift keys for Trinium Wars that give players tons of cool in game loot! Get your key to redeem 200 Beginner Power Packs, 25% XP Bonus for 7 days, Ring of Queen Rose and much more!

Free Gift Keys!

MMORPG.com has been given gift keys for Eternal Chaos Online - the 3D browser MMORPG featuring real time action, 3D visual effects and an epic story to engage players! These keys will give players cool free in game items such as HP Stones, Resurrection Stones, Beast Gems and more. Get your key now!

MXM Alpha Test Keys Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given a limited number of alpha test keys for Master X Master (MXM)! This key will give you access to the play test that will run June 24-27, beginning at 10am PDT and closing at 4pm PDT on the 27th. Get your key now while supplies last!

Level 40 Boost Gift Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given exclusive gift keys for RIFT that will instantly level a player to 40 as well as give you all kinds of cool free items! Get your key now and get in the game!