Dark or Light

Craig McGregor

January 2002
Last Active
August 2021
2000 More Closed Beta Keys!

MMORPG.com has been given closed beta keys for the highly anticipated Revelation Online, the all new MMORPG game being developed by NetEase. Get your key now while they last!

More Heavy Gear Assault Early Access Keys

MMORPG.com has been given a limited number of Steam early access keys for Heavy Gear Assault. Get your key now while supplies last!

Winter Wonder Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has teamed up with Kingsisle Entertainment to bring our community this epic Winter Wonder Giveaway for Wizard101! These keys will give you a chance to win one of the items from the Winter WonderPack such as the Snowhoppers pet, Krampus Treasure Card, Snowdrifter's Staff and so much more. Some lucky people might even win the entire pack! Get your key now!

Heavy Gear Assault - Early Access Key Steam Giveaway

MMORPG.com has been given a limited number of Steam early access keys for Heavy Gear Assault. Get your key now while supplies last!

Alice & Smith Random Gift Key Giveaway!

Alice & Smith teamed up with MMORPG to bring a unique giveaway to players: a random drop with one of our properties in it! The possible drop includes one of the following: The Black Watchmen game, one of The Black Watchmen DLC (Season 2, Mother Russia or Alone In the Dark Web), Ahnayro: The Dream World or the Alice & Smith original sound track. We hope you will explore our universe during your Christmas vacation! Get your key now and get in the game!

Rookie Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com is pleased to present a special giveaway for Weapons of Mythology - an new fantasy MMORPG from IDC/Games that has just entered open beta! These keys will give you a chance at either a White Dragon Suit or a Red Dragon Suit (random) as well as other guaranteed gifts. Get your key now!

Closed Beta 2 Key Giveaway

MMORPG.com has been given closed beta 2 keys for the highly anticipated Revelation Online, the all new MMORPG game being developed by NetEase. Get your key now while they last!

Holiday Pack Giveaway!

MMORPG.com and Wargaming.net are pleased to present a holiday World of Warships holiday pack giveaway for new players! The pack gives you 250 Doubloons, 7 premium days,König Albert (Germany) premium vehicle and 1,000,000 credits. Get your key now and take to the seas!

Webzen Holiday Gift Key Giveaway!

Holiday time is giving time! This year, WEBZEN has teamed up with MMORPG.com in order to spread some love and freebies from their games among all of you. There are gifts for MU Online, Flyff, C9 and Rappelz. Get your free gift key now!

Fang and Feather Gift Key Giveaway!

Celebrate the release of TERA's new "Fang and Feather" update, featuring the new Harrowhold 30- player raid and a revamp of the Archer class, with a free pack of items containing a permanent Red Feather Hat, a 7-day flying mount, 7-day weapon skins for two recently revamped TERA classes--the sorcerer and the archer--plus a 7-day 50% XP boost.

Alpha Test Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given alpha test keys for the upcoming sandbox MMO - The Exiled! This game features PvP with full loot, a massive class system, player crafting and much more. Get your alpha test key now and check it out!

Closed Beta Key Giveaway

MMORPG.com has been given some closed beta keys for Cloud Pirates! Get your key now!

Intershelter Beta Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given beta test keys for Intershelter - the all new post apocalyptic MMO from Eforb! This special Steam key will get you access to the beta until Nov 20th. As a special perk, the top 100 players in rating will get this game for free! Get your key now!

Gift Key Giveaway!

MMORPG.com has been given gift keys for Survarium that will give players free in game gifts! These items include Scavenger set, OTs-02 Kiparis and decal Deer hunter. Get your key now!

Closed Beta Key Giveaway

MMORPG.com has been given closed beta keys for the Nov 17 closed beta event for Gigantic! Get your key and check out this exciting new MOBA hybrid action game now!