September 2005
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July 2013
A lot of talk is bandied about by players who honestly believe that solo players somehow degrade the overall MMO experience and that they have too much effect on a game's development. In today's Player Perspectives, we take on those presumptions head on. See what we've got to say and then leave us a comment or two.
Sometimes we who are fans of MMOs are harsh task masters, often berating developers and every game system that are brought to our attention. It's often unfair when we blithely overlook what actually does work. In today's Player Perspectives, we take a look at precisely that. See what you think and then leave us your thoughts.
One of the biggest complaints about MMOs today is that we are always seemingly on the fast track to the endgame. But once there, then what? In today's Player Perspectives we offer you the powerful motivating factor that mentoring other lower-level players can bring to players after all of their guildies are off to other games or just aren't around as much. See if you agree and then weigh in with your comments.
It used to be that hitting the level cap in an MMO was something that took months, if not years, to actually accomplish. These days, however, it's more a function of hours. After hitting the top, what is there to do? In today's Player Perspectives, we take a look at what we call "content locusts", those who greedily devour content rather than enjoy it. See what you think!
One of the things that many players clamor for in their games is innovation, something new and never before seen. In today's Player Perspectives, we take a look at several ways that Star Wars: The Old Republic has advanced the MMO genre with innovative features, if only through small touches. Check it out and then let us know what you think.
Isabelle Parsley admits it: She's hooked on Star Wars: The Old Republic. In today's Player Perspectives, we examine that state of hookedness and why it's such an unusual phenomenon these days. Read on!
Yet another writer has succumbed to the Borg and is fully and utterly immersed in Skyrim. As a player, there is so much to like about Skyrim that it's hard to resist. In a new column today, we take a look at Skyrim from a Player Perspective. Check it out!
In today's Player Perspectives, we take a look at the thought that the family that plays together, stays together. Check out Player Perspectives and offer your thoughts on family-friendly gaming in the comments.
In today's Player Perspectives,'s Isabelle Parsley is beginning to consider how she will play Star Wars: The Old Republic. Isabelle wonders whether to choose Light or Dark side when she first logs into SWTOR and a few thoughts about the overall good vs bad thing going on. Check out Isabelle Parsley's Player Perspectives and then leave a couple of comments.
In her latest Player Perspectives column,'s Isabelle Parsley admits that, despite earlier ambivalence about the game, she's actually looking forward to Star Wars: The Old Republic. Find out what changed her mind and what she hopes to discover on SWTOR Launch Day. Read on!
It is no secret that MMOs tend to borrow liberally from one another features-wise. Often however, there are more similarities between MMOs than meets the eye, those things that remain off the official 'features list'. In today's Player Perspectives,'s Isabelle Parsley a sort of Murphy's List of truisms that span nearly every game out there. See if you agree or if you have more to add to those she's discovered.
After several long term relationships with MMOs over the years,'s Isabelle Parsley might appear to be "lookin' for love in all the wrong places" as she haunts what some would call the seedier, F2P, side of town. See what Isabelle has discovered in her journey to the F2P Side and then weigh in with your own thoughts in the comments.
Star Wars Galaxies will be closing its doors for good in December 2011. In today's Player Perspectives,'s Isabelle Parsley bids adieu to SWG, a game that was one of her "defining games". Read Isabelle's thoughts about the final days of Star Wars Galaxies and her memories of the glory days. Add a comment or two of your own in the comments.
There comes that time in the life of any MMO player when the game du jour seems more like work than fun. It's that day that a player realizes that it's time to move on. In today's Player Perspectives column,'s Isabelle Parsley takes a look at that exact topic. Check out what Isabelle has to say and then leave us your comments.
The three faction set up of The Secret World is a very popular feature with most players. That is, it's popular until they realize that membership in a cabal (guild) means that all members of the group have to be of the same faction which can be disastrous for large guilds. In Isabelle Parsley's latest Player Perspectives, she discusses how cabal and faction membership don't necessarily go together. Read on!