Dark or Light

Andrew Wallace

September 2008
Last Active
May 2011
The Year that Was

MMORPG.com EVE Online Reporter Andrew Wallace looks back at 2009 for the game that would eventually be named Game of the Year.

Dominion Report

MMORPG.com EVE Online Reporter Andrew Wallace writes this look at the 12th EVE Online expansion, Dominion, which launched at the beginning of the month.

Staring Death in the Face

MMORPG.com EVE Online expert Andrew Wallace writes this look at the new pod designs in EVE Online as he waxes poetic about death in the sandbox-style MMO.

Looking at COSMOS

MMORPG.com EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace writes this look at the upcoming social networking feature in CCP's EVE Online.

Apocrypha 1.5 - Rigs for All

MMORPG.com EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace writes this look at the Apocrypha 1.5 update, focusing primarily on rigs.

Factional Warfare Issues

MMORPG.com EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace writes this look at some of the down sides to EVE online's factional warfare system and what can be done to fix it.

Wait and See

MMORPG.com EVE Online guru Andrew Wallace writes this update on the game focusing in on the new Council of Stellar Management, tech three cruisers and more.

There Will Be Bugs...

MMORPG.com EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace writes this report on the recent bugs that have cropped up in EVE updates and CCP's speedy reaction to them.

Balancing In EVE

With updates coming faster than ever in 2009, Andrew Wallace focuses in on the challenge of balance.

Apocrypha 1.1

MMORPG.com EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace takes a look at the Apocrypha 1.1 patch that was released back on April 16th.


MMORPG.com Correspondent Andrew Wallace writes this look at EVE Online and how the sandbox nature of the game means that every player has a slightly different perecption of what exactly the game is.

Surviving Wormholes

MMORPG.com's EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace writes this look at how to survive the new wormholes that have cropped up since the game's most recent Apocrypha expansion.

Places to Kill

MMORPG.com EVE Online Correspondent Andrew Wallace writes this guide to different combat areas within CCP's sandbox sci-fi game.

Apocrypha Review

MMORPG.com EVE Online expert Andrew Wallace writes this review of the game's most recent expansion: Apocrypha.

Getting to Know the Gallente

MMORPG.com EVE Online expert Andrew Wallace writes this look at the Gallente race in CCP's space-based MMO.