Dark or Light

Olorunsegun Adewumi

June 2009
Last Active
April 2016
A Day in the Life

MMORPG.com Jade Dynasty Correspondent Segun Adewumi continues to chronicle his adventures in this F2P MMO.

Ascension and More!

MMORPG.com Jade Dynasty Correspondent Olorunsegun Adewumi continues his report on his experiences in Perfect World Entertainment's F2P MMO.

Double XP and Older Computer Specs

MMORPG.com Jade Dynasty Correspondent Olorunsegun Adewumi continues his report on his experiences in Perfect World Entertainment's F2P MMO.

Getting Pet Gear

MMORPG.com Jade Dynasty Correspondent Olorunsegun Adewumi continues his report on his experiences in Perfect World Entertainment's F2P MMO.

Clans, Cash Shop and More

MMORPG.com Jade Dynasty Correspondent Olorunsegun Adewumi continues his report on his experiences in Perfect World Entertainment's F2P MMO.

Modo 30-45

MMORPG.com Jade Dynasty Correspondent Olorunsegun Adewumi writes this look at the Modo class in the kung-fu MMORPG Jade Dynasty from levels 30 to 45.

Looking at the Modo

MMORPG.com Jade Dynasty Correspondent Olorunsegun Adewumi writes this look at the Modo class in the kung-fu MMORPG Jade Dynasty.