Dark or Light

Seth Koenig

Wizard101 writer here on MMORPG! When I'm not defeating the evil in the spiral, you can find me on many other games such as League of Legends, Aura Kingdom, Black Desert Online, Hearthstone and Overwatch - and many more!

April 2019
Last Active
February 2020
Wizard101's Spring Test Realm Brings Massive Balance Changes

Recently released to the testing realm, Wizard101 has introduced it's Spring Update for 2021. This update focuses heavily on more fine tuning, adding spell diversity to each school, and if you're a marshmallow fanatic, boy do they have a treat for you!

Wizard101 - The Problem With Crown Shop Bundles

Wizard101 recently have run some sales and specials which have raised some eyebrows in the community. Seth explores the sales, both the good and the bad.

Wizard101 - Wishes For 2021 In The Spiral

Seth breaks down his wishlist of changes and updates he'd love to see as 2021 continues forward in Wizard101.

Wizard101 - A Look Back at 2020

Seth takes a look back at Wizard101 as 2020 comes to a close.

Wizard101's Newest World Karamelle is Live

After a few weeks of testing, the official release of Karamelle for Wizard101 is here

Wizard101 - Karmelle Test Realm!

All was quiet in the spiral, after our reconciliation at the end of Arc 3, until the vicious gummy bears striked down on the spiral! Seth takes you through Karamelle, Wizard101's new world, in his latest editorial.

Wizard101 - Primeval Hoard Pack Thoughts!

Seth is back with some Wizard101 thoughts - this time all about about the Primeval Hoard Pack!

Wizard101 - Helpful Tips For New Or Returning Players

With more teasers of Karamelle starting to come out, we can expect some flow of returning players alongside new players discovering Wizard101 for the first time! As a result, some players may find themselves behind the curve and looking for some tips or tricks to get back in the swing of wizardry. For today's article, I thought we could go over some helpful tips to get players prepared for their return or their grand entrance into the spiral!

Wizard101 - Major Changes Are Coming

Join Seth has he tackles the upcoming multi-phase rebalancing changes coming to Wizard101 on the curr3ent Test Realm.

Wizard101 - Keeping Things Challenging

Seth talks about balancing and keeping things difficult in a MMO like Wizard101 in his latest column.

Wizard101's Doomsday Krok Gauntlet

Join Seth as he checks out the latest content for Wizard101 - the Doomsday Krok Gauntlet.

Wizard101's Spring Update Recap!

It's that time of the year in the spiral, for the test realm for Wizard101 has come for the Spring Update! With this update, it brings forth several new additions and changes to the pet system, some new maps and group options for the Beastmoon event, and several other changes to the game! Let's take a further look into the new Test Realm!

Wizard101 - Exclusive Spring Test Realm Peek!

Join Seth as he takes an exclusive look at an upcoming Wizard101 Mythical foe!

How Dark Could A Wizard101 World Be?

Seth explores the dark side of Wizard101, looking at how great a turn the storyline could take based on examples already in the MMORPG.

Wizard101 - My 2020 Wishlist

Seth takes some time to discuss the potential changes he'd love to see with Wizard101, both in 2020 and in the decade to come.