January 2011
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July 2013
In the wake of recent tragedies, many in the US government are championing irresponsibly violent video games. But is that a fair assessment? We take a look at that today. See what we've got to say and then join the conversation in the comments.
Whenever there's an ugly disagreement on the 'Net these days, people say it's because it's anonymous and it's the Internet. But is that the case or is it simply one's true colors shining through? Check out our latest thoughts about this issue and then leave yours in the comments.
As every January 1st rolls around, people the world over begin making New Year's resolutions. It should come as no surprise that we gamers do as well. Check out our latest Gaming Resolution and then let us know what you are hoping to accomplish in 2013. Check it out!
One of the MMO industry's favorite things to do is to treat its community to great holiday activities that stretch well beyond Christmas Day. We take a look at some of our favorites. Check it out and then tell us which holiday happenings you prefer in the comments.
As 2012 comes to a close, some are left somewhat disappointed by the past year in gaming. But not all was gloom and doom. In her latest column, Pokket takes a look back at some of the year's most compelling stories. See what she has to say before leaving your thoughts about the new year in the comments.
As more and more MMOs employ the 'free to play' option and bring an 'item shop' on board, it becomes easy to succumb to those that utilize the 'pay to win' aspect. But how far is too far? Find out in our latest Pokket Says and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
In today's Pokket Says, we revisit a classic MMO, Ultima Online, to discuss how some of the features that set it apart from all the rest, even today, are leaking back into the MMO space in 2012. See what Pokket has to say and then add your thoughts to the comments.
Many MMOs today seem to be placing a great emphasis on story or, as some would say, the single playerification of MMOs. In Pokket's latest column, she discusses this trend and her thoughts about it. Read on and then join the discussion in the comments.
In an increasingly crowded market, game makers are looking for the way to hook the most players. Graphics have become a standard of sorts in that effort. But, in the end, do they really matter? Find out in our latest Pokket Says and then leave your thoughts in the comments.
Most of us visiting here are avid gamers but not everyone in the world understands us. We know. It's difficult to believe. In today's Pokket Says, we take a look at the everyday gamer and what that is and why we are sometimes misunderstood. Keep reading and then leave your thoughts in the comments.
Game addiction is something that is a new phenomenon in the world since the birth of the Internet. It's a serious issue with some very clear markers. We take a look at some of the common sense ways that we believe addiction shows. Read on and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
It is not too uncommon for MMO developers to discourage poor behavior in their games. Less common is the opposite: Encouraging decent players to keep being decent. We take a look at that notion as it applies to League of Legends' attempt to honor their upstanding citizens. Read on!
As much as many of us clamor for something new and innovative in the MMO genre, we are similarly repelled by the 'newness' of it all. In our latest Pokket Says column, we take a look at that and opine that trying something new isn't always a bad thing. Keep reading and then add your voice to the conversation in the comments.
To say that there have been some recent disappointments in highly anticipated MMOs recently might be considered an understatement. So what is it that MMO gamers have left to look forward to as "the next big MMO"? Find out in our latest Pokket Says column then leave us your thoughts in the comments.
It may come as a shock to some that there are actually people out there making games who don't actually *gasps* play them. In this week's Pokket Says, she takes a look at that notion with quite a bit to say. See what you think and then leave your thoughts in the comments.