Dark or Light

Clarence Krueger II

June 2004
Last Active
July 2016
Body Discipline, Part II

Krueger takes us on a guide of how to master the body discipline in A Tale in the Desert III. This is the second part of a two part article.

Looking at the Body Discipline

MMORPG.com A Tale in the Desert Correspondent Clarence Krueger II writes this look at the body discipline in this unique indy MMO.

Architect Discipline

MMORPG.com A Tale in the Desert Correspondent Clarence Kreuger II writes this new look at the Architect Discipline in the Egyptian sandbox MMO.

Disciplines and Tests

MMORPG.com A Tale in the Desert Correspondent Clarence Krueger II writes this look at the different disciplines and tests in the unique Egypt-based MMO.


MMORPG.com A Tale In The Desert Correspondent CLarence Krueger II writes this look at monuments in the unique player-oriented MMO.

The Story of Tale Four

A Tale in the Desert is currently in its fourth tale. MMORPG.com ATitD Correspondent Clarence Krueger II writes this overview of the story as it has unfolded to date.