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Coyote Sharptongue

July 2011
Last Active
February 2012
Every Guild Member Ever

Many of us actually realize that social activity in MMOs is fun, weird uncle in the guild house included. In today's Coyote's Howling, we take a look at that online family that we know and love, identifying each one by type. See if you see YOUR virtual family in today's column. Have other ideas? Leave them in the comments.

The Dorkside - An Honest Review

There are two things that are always sure to twitter-pate our readership: Coyote Sharptongue's pithy MMO commentary and Star Wars: The Old Republic. Today we bring you the best of both in our latest Coyote's Howling. Read on!

What’s In a Name?

One of the first things we're asked to do on entry into an MMO is come up with a name. Our names reveal much about us as we content in Coyote's Howling today. Read on and then let us know your name and why you named yourself such in the comments!

Be Careful What You Wish For

Sometimes that movie or TV show you love so well is NOT the best candidate for an MMO. In today's Coyote's Howling we show you exactly what we mean when we say that. Check it out and then let us know what you're thinking in the comments.

Good Ideas Gone Bad

Innovation is a good thing but often it is masked behind the "do we really need this...really?" face that we adopt on looking at the latest techno-toy. In today's Coyote's Howling, we take a look at good ideas gone bad. See what you think and then leave us your thoughts in the comments.

'No' Your Role

Before anything else, remember that the type of game that many of us played is actually called a massive multiplayer online ROLE PLAYING game. In Coyote's Howling today, we take a look at role playing in today's MMOs and what it really means. Read on and then FORSOOTH! Be sure to leaveth your commenths!

Beam Me Up, Please

With last week's launch of Star Wars: The Old Republic, many folks' imaginations have been opened to the idea of space-themed MMOs. In today's Coyote's Howling, we opine that the fantasy genre "needs a well-deserved rest". See if you agree and then leave us your ideas in the comments.

Checking it twice…

With Christmas literally right around the corner, it behooves us to know the best gifts to buy for our loved ones. In today's Coyote's Howling, we take a look at the things we should NEVER buy the gamer in our lives. Read on and then leave us a comment or two.

Why a Horror MMO Won't Work

MMO fans have been clamoring for a horror-themed game for as long as the genre has existed. In today's Coyote's Howling, we take a look at why we don't believe that a horror MMO won't work -- not now, not ever. Check it out and see if you agree. Let us know what you think in the comments.

SWTOR: Rules of Enragement

There's no question that a lot of n00bs will be checking in to play Star Wars: The Old Republic. That said, there are some tried and true rules that n00bs should pay attention to and which we will impart our vast knowledge about in today's column. Check these puppies out and then let us know what you think in the comments.

A Master Beta Scorned

There are a legion of fans out there who, like Cinderella being ignored for the Glass Slipper, did not get their Star Wars: The Old Republic beta testing opportunity. In today's Coyote's Howling, we learn just how bitter that can make a person. Read on!

Thankful for Gaming

Even curmudgeons are thankful once in awhile. We here at MMORPG.com are no exception. In the latest Coyote's Howlings, we take a look at that for which we are most thankful: Gaming. Read on and then offer a few thoughts about why you're thankful for gaming.

Skyrim - The Briefest of Reviews

Like everyone else around here, it appears that our own Coyote is embroiled in Skyrim, the most MMO-like non-MMO on the planet. In his latest Coyote's Howling, Mr. Sharptongue gives his thoughts about and a teeny tiny review of Skyrim. See what you think and then add a few comments of your own!

Debunking Gaming Myths

We've all heard those persistent rumors from politicians and others who are simply jealous because they're not making the big bucks. You know: "Video games cause violence." "Video games cause brain destruction." In today's Coyote's Howling, resident pundit Coyote Sharptongue debunks the most persistent myths. Keep reading!

Battlefield 3 - Loading, Please Wait...

Battlefield 3. The mere sight and sound of the name sends players around the world in to paroxysms of joy. In Coyote's Howlings today, MMORPG.com's Coyote Sharptongue chronicles his glee...and angst...with the hallowed title from EA. Check it out and then let us know about your experiences with Battlefield 3 in the comments.