Dark or Light

Benjamin Krueger

Benjamin has been gaming since the 1980's. He's a self taught programmer that worked in the travel, health and sports industries before joining the MMORPG.com team in 2004.

May 2003
Last Active
November 2022
 Section X and HK-51 Missions

The Star Wars: The Old Republic site has been updated with a new blog post about the upcoming v1.5 version of the game with specific reference to Republic & Imperial daily repeatable missions in Section X and HK-51.There are some impressive changes coming with big time rewards for players. WARNING: Visiting the official site to read the post may reveal spoilers.

SOE Fan Faire Community Address

Check out the community address from the recent SOE Fan Faire and we've hosted a short interview with John Smedley from the same event.

Game Play Video

The game play video depicts the quest players must take in order to receive their wings (at level 10) in the game. The Ascension quest also shows how player grow from 'normal' beings to god-like Daeva's.

Star Trek Online Gameplay Trailer

See Star Trek Online! The debut trailer shows some of the environments, ships and combat you will experience as you discover the future of the Trek universe. Explore the final frontier as the captain of your own starship and adventure on planets, in space and inside ships!

New Promo Video

NCsoft has created a new promotional video for Dungeon Runners which highlights the value of an MMOG that is free or costs only $5 per month to be a member.

Patch 1.3 Video

Flagship Studios today released a video to coincide with the recent launch of patch 1.3 for its action RPG Hellgate: London.

Issue 12 Demo and Test This Thursday!

MMORPG.com has partnered with NCsoft and Dyyno to host a City of Heroes / Villians demonstration and test using Dyyno's streaming technology. Join us this thursday at 5pm PST / 8pm EST!

Hyborian Insider #2 Video

This particular installment is all about PVP, covering the minigames, PVP experience, levels, and items, a couple of the playfields, and even a brief glance of siege PVP. Hosted by Funcom's own Erling Ellingsen, this video also features some exciting new footage (some might even say overpowering new footage!) of some of the PVP Minigames in action.

Personal Experience Point System Video

The Chronicles of Spellborn just released a new combat overview video, featuring extra explanation of the PeP System (Personal Experience Point).

Villain Epic Archetypes Video

The City of Heroes team has released an epic-sized (4 minutes!) game play video explaining Villain Epic Archetypes that will go live with Issue 12.

New Trailers

Here are 3 new trailers for Metin 2.

Shard of Hate Video Trailer

With Game Update 44 coming on April 8th here's a trailer showing off the Shard of Hate zone that will be new in the update.

Bad Moons Rising Trailer

Here's a trailer for the new 2Moons update called "Bad Moons Rising".

New Developers Diary

Funcom and Eidos have released the latest video in a series of behind-the-scenes "Developer Diaries" for Age of Conan: Hyborian Adventures.

Wooing women gamers -- and game creators

CNN.com has this article running in their technology area about women gamers and about how more and more are joining school programs focusing on game development / design.