March 2015
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April 2019
Join Alex as he breaks down what he's hoping Guild Wars 2's upcoming expansion brings to the game, as well as his reaction towards the announcement.
I’ve never really been into Warhammer, 40K or otherwise. Yes, I know, smells like heresy. Oh, the memes. Despite that, I sank dozens of hours into the Dawn Of War titles back in the day and after living with a housemate who managed a Games Workshop, I’ve had a little bit of familiarity with the franchise. So here we are with Warhammer 40000: Inquisitor - Prophecy, an action-RPG that promises the wholesale slaughter to propagate the glory of the Emperor.
I’ve had a bit of a Guild Wars 2 renaissance in the last few months. It’s handy that it came around the time I got an offer to write a monthly column about the game. I sat down and said to myself, “It’s time to get back into raiding, Tier 4 Fractals, and maybe in dabble in sPvP and World versus World”.
Seven years is a long time to play a game. The morning of August 25, 2012 was a glorious day as I skipped over the hills of Queensdale as Guild Wars 2 was unleashed on the world. We were ready for the casual MMO that you could drop in and out of whenever you liked and you’d still be able to keep up as the horizontal progression and cosmetic endgame meant that you could drop back in any time you liked. Legendary weapons were the long-term goal and Giganticus Lupicus was the benchmark for high end play and hilarious game-breaking exploits.
The lore surrounding the Guild Wars 2 Crystal Dragons – Kralkatorrik, Glint, Vlast, and Aurene, is head crushing in its complexity but also in places, ridiculous. Through some twist it turns out that Special K is vulnerable to his own magic, which led us to the crafting of Dragonsblood Spears, an item that gave us an edge in the previous episode. It’s a little bit turned around and just about stays on the right side of sensible to keep you going.
It’s like clockwork. Every year, around the end of March I wait for the announcement that Super Adventure Box is returning to Guild Wars 2, along with a little cheeky April Fools gag from the folks at ArenaNet.
As we continue the slow, excruciating wait for Elder Scrolls 6 it’s easy to feel like Bethesda have left us out on a limb when it comes to our desperation to delve back into Tamriel. That is, of course, if you forget the very accessible and captivating Elder Scrolls Legends CCG, and, perhaps more evident, The Elder Scrolls Online. If for some reason all that isn’t tickling your biscuit, Elder Scrolls: Blades has now entered Early Access.