Dark or Light

Josh Brown

Fifteen years after the fact, Josh still uses his memory of Flyff's original download time to measure his average internet speed upgrades. He is, like many others, still dreaming of the day he might regain access to his original Neopets account. Hang in there, Fireball2014332.

July 2020
Last Active
For Glory! Four MMOs That Get Straight Into PvP Action

For those with steel-like nerves and an ultra-competitive personality, PvP in an MMO is all that matters. If you can't go around ganking level 10 players out in the starting town, what's the point of exploring the rest of the world? But diving straight into PvP can take some time. Here are four MMOs that let you jump straight into the blood pumping PvP action.

Four New And Classic MMOs For Those Who Just Can't Take Another Swing

People flock to MMORPGs for all sorts of reasons; fame and fortune, exploration, beating up big-ass monsters, or just to socialize. Our favorite pastime can offer something of an escape to those from any walk of life, but rarely do developers take into account those who really do just want to relax and be there for other players rather than buff up their muscles and take on giants in mortal combat.

You're Worth More: 5 MMOs Centered Around Player Driven Economies

Josh breaks down a his list of the top 5 MMOs centered around a player driven economy.

OPINION: How Korean MMO DokeV Could Push Pokemon To Greater Heights

Josh breaks down the current state of creature-catching MMOs, and how this competition from Temtem, as well as the looming DokeV from Korean publisher Pearl Abyss, could spur some innovation in Game Freak's Pokemon franchise.

Three MMOs That Tried (And Failed) To Do Destiny Before Destiny

Many attempts at a general shooter MMO have been made before Destiny captured that slice of the market. Josh takes a look at a few of the attempts that tried, and ultimately failed to do Destiny before Bungie's looter shooter made waves.

Five Crossplay MMOs You Can Play At Home And On The Go

Cross-platform is a major marketing term these days, and has become something that has started to find its way into the MMO space. Here are five MMOs you can play, both at home and on the go thanks for cross-platform play.

4 Classic MMOs You can Play On Mobile

Many MMO players can trace their roots back to the early days of browser and F2P MMOs, such as Runescape. While modern MMOs have become the norm, many like to jump back into those old games for the nostalgia. Thankfully, mobile devices and ports have made this easier than ever.