Dark or Light

Hannah Richardson-Lewis

January 2014
Last Active
April 2019
Returning to Tyria - A Band of Merry Revenants

I decided to try a new class entirely after not enjoying my current roster whatsoever, and what better place to look than the newest of the bunch, the Revenant?

Returning to Tyria - More Fun with Friends

During my time back in Guild Wars 2 after more than a year away, I've come to find perhaps the biggest source of my disengagement with the game: I've been trying to play more-or-less solo, and Tyria simply isn't a world that I can explore on my own.

Returning to Tyria

I do not take a decision like returning to Guild Wars 2 lightly, especially when I have such a love/hate relationship with the game, but there is one overarching feature that may just overshadow all of my issues with the MMORPG, and some of these are pretty deep-rooted indeed.