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Genese Davis

Genese Davis / Bimonthly, The Holder’s Dominion author Genese Davis opines about video games, the issues the industry faces, and the power of shaping online worlds. Find her on Twitter @GeneseDavis and GeneseDavis.com

March 2013
Last Active
July 2014
Omensight – A Murder Mystery Outside of Time

Spearhead Games recently announced their upcoming title, Omensight, and showed off a demo of the game at PAX South. In this column, novelist and video game writer, Genese Davis discusses this unique adventure game and why it resonates with the art of fantasy plus cultural and natural history while also appealing to modern thought and evolution. Davis also divulges how Omensight resembles outstanding aspects from movies like Edge of Tomorrow (Live Die Repeat) and Zootopia.

The Lore of Heart of Thorns with Leah Hoyer

A while back San Diego Comic Con, our own Genese Davis caught up with Leah Hoyer of ArenaNet to discuss Guild Wars 2 and the upcoming expansion, Heart of Thorns. Leah is the head of narrative at ArenaNet and sheds some light on what players can expect from the expansion.

The List - The Best MMOs of 2015...So Far

Even though 2015 hasn't been chock-full of huge MMORPG announcements, there are still so many titles worth celebrating. This list is dedicated to highlighting the releases that have already launched and the games that have shown the most improvement and promise so far in 2015. And there are still big releases coming such as Guild Wars 2 Heart of Thorns! So let's get started! Here are the top 7 MMOs so far for 2015!

All the Video Game Must-Sees at San Diego Comic-Con 2015

The San Diego Comic-Con (SDCC) celebrates our favorite genres of the entertainment industry, including comic, film, literary, art, cosplay, and of course, video games! Albeit video games don’t have a huge presence, there are still some really cool gaming specific panels I’ll be covering and speaking on this year.

The List: What The Witcher 3 Can Teach MMOs

Like most things, it seems like we go through phases of getting big, sprawling single-player RPGs to sink our teeth into. It’s a totally different genre than the MMO game, for rightful reasons, but there are a lot of overlaps as well. Most people that enjoy MMOs probably enjoy single-player RPGs as well and I’d wager to say that the majority of the people that read this are either playing currently or at least have an interest in playing, The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt.

Unikrn - Place Your Bets!

Every year, we can expect to find some pretty cool things showcased at E3. Popular video game titles, indie titles, new tech in both hardware and software, VR updates, and of course breaking news for PC, consoles, and mobile games. However, this year, we also stumbled upon something we didn’t quite expect, and that was the team running Unikrn.

Sword Art Online - Hollow Fragment – Take 2!

E3 is a great way to find out about upcoming video games, both for new titles and for titles with updates or re-releases. The latter is true for Sword Art Online: Hollow Fragment.

E3 2015 - Interview with Dan Tudge

During E3 we caught up with Dan Tudge of n-Space to chat all about Sword Coast Legends, the upcoming multiplayer RPG set in the Forgotten Realms. After getting some hands on with a custom-made campaign and playing Dungeon Master, Genese Davis sat down to ask Dan about the game and more.

The 2015 E3 Takeover

Every year tens of thousands pack the Los Angeles Convention Center to attend the Electronic Entertainment Expo also known as E3. This year, MMORPG and I are excited to “takeover” E3 in conjunction with the ESA and E3 itself! Check out what we hope to achieve at E3 and learn more about our top-secret (or not so secret anymore) mission to bring gamers everywhere some exciting footage and behind the scenes sneak peaks.

The List - The Five Worst MMO Launches

MMO launches are one of the trickiest things in the world for a developer and publisher to orchestrate. In the case of single player games, the experience can be perfectly balanced and simulated in a controlled environment. For standard multiplayer games, you can easily cap the number of players involved and know how it’s going to turn out in a live scenario. A Massively Multiplayer Game on the other hand, is something else entirely.

The List - Five Books That Would Make Great MMOs

While listening to an audiobook is a very different experience than reading an actual book, it leads to the same degree of appreciation for the worlds that are created. Hearing the voices really brings these worlds alive even more and it helps me visualize what these characters look like in my head by assigning an appearance to a voice. As avid MMO players, this naturally led us to envision what some of these fictional worlds might be like if they were an MMO.

The List - The Five MMOs We Wish Had Been Released

When discussing the massively multiplayer landscape, the announcement of a new project never fails to catch attention. Over the years, there have been quite a few titles enter development, though, for a variety of reasons, not make it to launch. The titles on this list include just that, projects that had great appeal, but never came to fruition. So, here it goes: Five MMOs we wistfully remember. Visit Genese's site and read her book! - http://genesedavis.com/theholdersdominion/ Visit our

The List - The Top Five Best Browser MMOs

Imagine the moment when you’re dying to get your online gaming fix, you just want to hop on and play but you’re out-of-town, on your laptop, or you don’t have the time to play a bigger game – whatever the reason, sometimes you just need a browser-based game to scratch that itch. The trick is finding browser MMOs that are well developed and fun to play.

The List - Five MMOs that Disappointed

Video games almost always fail to measure up to the hype they generate during development. It's pretty unusual to see one that under-promises and over-delivers. Indeed, relatively few even manage to meet the expectations they promote. To be fair, this isn't entirely one-sided since many of us tend to look at upcoming titles through our rose-colored glasses. Naturally, relative to how we think or hope they'll turn out, some disappoint more than others. Original article by Richard Aihoshi appea

The List: The Most Anticipated MMOs of 2015

Last year was, for the most part, pretty disappointing for gaming, even more so if you play many non-MMO games. It appears that we are entering a new era of MMOs, where developers can’t simply rely on the tried and true principles that have gotten them to where they are today. In 2015, it’s a year about diversity and reaching new audiences – and here are our most anticipated releases in the MMO world for 2015. Right now we are in a bit of a lull in the MMO release schedule. Crowdfunding