Dark or Light

Matt McLean

March 2005
Last Active
July 2016
Another Look at Moria, Part Three

MMORPG.com writer Matt McLean writes this new look at the Mines of Moria expansion for Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online, outlining some of the new areas introduced by the expansion.

Another Look at Moria, Part Two

MMORPG.com writer Matt McLean writes this new look at the Mines of Moria expansion for Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online, outlining some of the new areas introduced by the expansion.

Another Look at Moria, Part One

MMORPG.com writer Matt McLean writes this new look at the Mines of Moria expansion for Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online, outlining some of the new areas introduced by the expansion.

First Impressions of Mines of Moria

MMORPG.com Lord of the Rings Online Correspondent Matt McLean writes this overview of his first few hours in the new Lord of the Rings Online expansion.

Correspondent - A Look at Housing

MMORPG.com LotRO Correspondent Matt McLean writes this article overview of the housing system in Turbine's Lord of the Rings Online.

Correspondent - Moving into the Mines

MMORPG.com Lord of the Rings Online Correspondent Matt McLean files this report on the upcoming expansion for the game, the Mines of Moria and discusses whether or not the new addition will be worth the box price.