Dark or Light

John Lisenby

September 2008
Last Active
July 2014
Dwarf Starting Area Quest Guide

MMORPG.com Correspondent John Lisenby writes this guide to quests in the Dwarf starting zone in Mythic Entertainment's Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning.

Chaos Early Quest Guide

MMORPG.com Warhammer Online guru John Lisenby writes this guide to the early quests for the Chaos race in Mythic's RvR game. The guide gives information on quests, givers, rewards, locations and more.

Dark Elf Early Quest Guide

MMORPG.com Warhammer Online guru John Lisenby writes this guide to the early quests for the Dark Elf race in Mythic's RvR game. The guide gives information on quests, givers, rewards, locations and more.

A Look at the Witch Elf

MMORPG.com Warhammer Online Correspondent John Lisenby writes this overview of the Wtich Elf class, complete with a list of skills attainable by that class.

Greenskin Starting Area Guide

MMORPG.com Warhammer Online Correspondent John Lisenby writes this guide for players in the Greenskin starting area, going over available quests and more.

Squig Herder Guide

MMORPG.com Warhammer Online Correspondent John Lisenby writes this excellent guide to playing a Squig Herder in Mythic Entertainment's latest creation. In the guide, John talks about advancing your herder and even provides a full list of abilities.

A Guide for the Fresh New Player

Warhammer Online Correspondent John Lisenby Writes this guide that introduces the early mechanics of the game to new players who might ot be too familair with them.