January 2022
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November 2024
For years, players of Escape From Tarkov have speculated at each competitor's release, asking: "Will this be the Tarkov killer?" Does Arena Breakout: Infinite fit that bill?
Shane took the latest Warhammer 40,000-based game for a spin, earning favor with the God-Emperor in Darktide. But how does the co-op multiplayer extraction shooter fare?
Long dreaded and much awaited have been the release of submarines into the tech tree in World of Warships. Our resident Warships expert, Shane, took a deep dive into the depths of Submarine combat to find out how they play, and whether they bring anything to the experience.
Beyond the Wire aims to be a full squad multiplayer experience that brings you into the horrors of World War 1. However, those horrors are somewhat muted thanks to the fact that the player count isn't where it should be.
Squad, the tactical multiplayer shooter from Offworld Industries, recently released their Amphibious Assault update. Shane checks it out to see how the combat sim stacks up and whether it brings memorable moments, or whether it's more complicated than it's worth.
Raid shooter The Cycle: Frontier launched into early access earlier this month, and Shane has been giving it a spin. How does it stack up early on in its life? Check out our early access impressions.
The launch of Elite Dangerous: Odyssey brought about some turmoil for the community surrounding the game, following months and months of bug fixes and tuning, the game returned to a normal state. With this return to normality, many players wonder, what are the most exciting ways to play Elite? Exploration, maybe?
With last year's release of Elite Dangerous Odyssey, the space MMO has seen its fair share of issues. However, we turn our attention to the combat this time, as the addition of on-foot missions and action has added a new element to the MMO. How does it fare, especially compared to ship-based combat almost a year after its release?