May 2006
Last Active
March 2018
Yarr! There be pirates incomin' to TERA if what we learned at E3 is any indication. It's a terrific sneak peek at the Corsairs' Stronghold that you won't want to miss so check it out before heading to the comments to chat about it, matey!
Blizzard rocked World of Warcraft fans with the expansion announcement for Mists of Pandaria. Most exciting about the news is the arrival of the playable Monk class.'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to check out the Monk and has a hands on report for our readers. See what Joe thought about the Monk and then weigh in with your thoughts in the comments.
Gamigo recently introduced its MMOTPS, or MMO third-person shooter. According to devs, it brings the best of MMOs and the excitement of shooters to players. At E3 2011,'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to check out Grimlands and he's got some information to share. Read on!
During E3 2011,'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to visit with UTV True Games developers to talk about their first MMO, Faxion Online. Check out what Joe discovered about this very unique game and then let us know what you think in the comments.
The D&D setting of Neverwinter is one of the most beloved locations ever created. Cryptic Studios has taken on the monumental task of creating an MMO based in and around the city of Neverwinter. At E3 2011,'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to attend a presentation by Cryptic showcasing Neverwinter. Read on and then let us know your thoughts about Neverwinter in the comments below.
During E3 2011,'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to swing by the booth to check up on World of Tanks. Joe chatted up the dev team and has some insights to share with you so keep reading!
Recently,'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to interview Chris Sigaty, Lead Producer of Starcraft II. Chris was extremely gracious in allowing Joe to interrupt his lunch to get a few quick questions answered. Check out the interview and let us know what you think in the comments!
The team was on hand for last weekend's Blizzcon 2010 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. There is no shortage of material for great images and our team captured it all. Check out our Blizzcon 2010 galleries every day this week to put you in touch with all that happened during the convention!
The team was on hand for last weekend's Blizzcon 2010 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. There is no shortage of material for great images and our team captured it all. Check out our Blizzcon 2010 galleries every day this week to put you in touch with all that happened during the convention!
The team was on hand for last weekend's Blizzcon 2010 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. There is no shortage of material for great images and our team captured it all. Check out our Blizzcon 2010 galleries every day this week to put you in touch with all that happened during the convention!
The team was on hand for last weekend's Blizzcon 2010 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. There is no shortage of material for great images and our team captured it all. Check out our Blizzcon 2010 galleries every day this week to put you in touch with all that happened during the convention!
The team was on hand for last weekend's Blizzcon 2010 at the Anaheim Convention Center in Anaheim, California. There is no shortage of material for great images and our team captured it all. Check out our Blizzcon 2010 galleries every day this week to put you in touch with all that happened during the convention!
The team spent the weekend at the New York Comic Con in New York City. In addition to hosting the best NYCC panel, photographer Joe Iuliani wandered the hallowed Comic Con halls photographing people and places. You'll see everyone from Spider Man to Boba Fett. Check them all out in Part 2 of our NYCC '10 feature.
The team spent the weekend at last weekend's New York Comic Con in New York City. In addition to hosting the best NYCC panel, photographer Joe Iuliani wandered the hallowed Comic Con halls photographing people and places. You'll see everyone from Wonder Woman to Captain America. Check them all out in our NYCC '10 feature.
Recently,'s Joe Iuliani had the opportunity to meet and talk with Jay Minn, Director of Games at The Amazing Society. The pair spent time discussing Marvel Super Hero Squad Online and Joe had the chance to see the game in action via a tour conducted by devs. See what Joe found out about MSHSO, a non-traditional MMO coming soon to a computer near you.