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PAX West 2017 - Hands On with Eclipse

Blake Morse Posted:
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The voxel art styled MMO action adventure world of Trove just recently got a brand new update in the Eclipse expansion. But the team is already hard at work at improving the player experience even more. I got my first hands-on session with the game while on the at PAX this year.

The thing that really stuck out me is that Trion World’s Trove could’ve just been another title trying to play off the success of Minecraft as many title that feature similar aspects of both games have. But,instead Trove seems to have injected itself with a amusing cavalcade of character classes, like a Dino tamer that can spawn raptors to attacks his enemies. There was also a recent sub class system upgrade to the title that allows players to use their more advanced fighters to provide buffs for their newer classes to help alleviate some of the more tedious aspects of building a new character while encouraging players to get out and explore all of the game’s content.

And there’s a vibrance to the color palettes of the varying environments you encounter. I personally really dug the world of Candoria. Maybe because I was hungry during my demo? Perhaps. But the neon purples and yellows of the world really sprung out at me.

The concepts behind gameplay are straightforward enough: Explore the randomly generated overworlds of Trove, find entrances to user created dungeons, kill boss monsters, get loot, build cool stuff. But at the same time I get the impression that this game skews towards a younger audience than myself as well as folks who are into more creative aspects of games that give players tools to add to the world.

Trove is out now and available on PC and on XB1 and PS4 and all the features we got our hands on at PAX are now available in-game. If you’re looking for a title that might be fun for you and possibly your youngins it may be worth a look. 


Blake Morse