Dark or Light

E3 Look Forward

Dana Massey Posted:
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Most of the next expansion is under wraps, but here is what we learned

Dark Age of Camelot was one of the few games not to make big waves in advance of E3. They want the post-E3 lull all to themselves.

What they would say is that the new expansion, which will be officially announced soon, has one new race and one new class. Anyone, from any realm, can unlock the class on an account by account basis and then make characters using it. The race comes free with the expansion.

They plan to launch the expansion on their 5 year anniversary later this year.

At this time, they’re actually ramping up development on DAoC again. New hires are coming their way. The expansion will be distributed online, while there will also hopefully be a retail bundled edition DVD.

In the immediate future, 1.84 will see the first few tradeskill changes. Their goal is to make it more user-friendly to start. Then, this fall, they’ll make large changes so that it is fun and useful. That said, they’re intensely aware that they do not want to invalidate the work done by others in the old system.

The 1.84 patch is also being used to clean up a lot of little things. For example, the class changes they’ve done recently are being revisited again to add and fix a little more.

They also plan to focus in on bolts. There is a lot of talk about them and Mythic worries they’re not being used as intended and are having a detrimental effect on RvR. As it finally reached the top of their balance heap, they’re thinking of changing it so bolts only fail when cast on someone already involved in hand-to-hand melee combat. They want them to be an opening gambit, a long range RvR strike. They’re not supposed to be used close up. However, some view them as too hard to use and, as such, refinements must be made.

Changes are being made to Dark Age of Camelot all the time and over the next month, fans of the title should expect to hear a lot more on these issues mentioned at E3.

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