
Dark or Light

Dev Log and Screen Shots

Jon Wood Posted:
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Pirates of the Burning Sea's art director has posted a brand new (and very short) entry in his dev log. Most notably, this developer points us to a new series of screenshots. Posted below are a day and night shot of vessles at sea. The detail on this game is extremely impressive. Notice the moonlight reflected on the night water.

New Screenshots!
It's been long enough since I posted a new batch of screenshots for you: http://www.burningsea.com/gallery.php
These shots are widescreen because I took them on my new w/s monitor. I must say, if you can spare the coin, widescreen is really the way to go when you play our game ;) I'm really loving the moonlight on the water shots - the only thing missing is the moon. Also, I had a dream the other night about a sepia toned ocean, so I've tried to recreate it in an open ocean area. Greg made us a beautiful shop last milestone - so much cool period detail to look at - as well as a bombed out version of the company office. And Nick, our particle effects guy, did an awsome job of smoking up Jeff's crime lord's office. Lastly, there's a shot of a medium schooner and a couple of shots of our character customization area.

For more Pirates of the Burning Sea, click here.


Jon Wood