Pirate101 Articles

Pirate101 has opened up its latest new chapter with the recently launched "Enemy Revealed" update. The update takes us to ancient Egypt-inspired Krokotopia, with all new story content, new gear, weapons, new enemies, and several updates and revamps.

A new chapter has been added to the main storyline in Pirate101, taking players to Death's front door as they heed the call from their parents who have passed on into the afterlife.

KingsIsle Entertainment recently announced the soft launch of their new mobile game, Pirate101: Plunder Hunt, on both the Google Play Store and Apple App Store. The single player game is their first mobile title.

Kingsisle Entertainment's Pirate101 is celebrating its upcoming 11th anniversary, dropping a new update to the long-running MMO.

Pirate101, the swashbuckling MMORPG from developer KingsIsle Entertainment, has just sailed its way onto Steam. The good folks over at KingsIsle were gracious enough to drop anchor long enough to answer a few of our questions in the midst of what we can only imagine is a busy season.

During Pirate101's sixth birthday bash, swabbies logging in to the game's site and using the code "sixandsailors" will be able to claim ARRsome gifts. These include a Whole Cake housing item, a 7-day Birthday Lobster mount, a birthday eyepatch, a mega snack pack, the Ashes of Armada Pack and, of course, a pARRty hat.

With the summer finally here, that also means that Pirate101 is bringing out the summer goods in their Crown Shop. You now can ride a totally rad surfboard for 5000 Crowns. You now can surf while fighting your foes and drinking yum all at once. That would make for one awesome summer in Pirate101.

So what happened in Pirate101 for the month of April? You would be surprised that there was quite a lot! Hope you didn’t miss any of it. I know I didn’t miss a second of it. But just in case you missed it, let me recap it for you.

For the month of February in Pirate101, you can run around on a cool Friendship Jaguar and buy the Friendship Oni pet to keep you company in battles. Both are brand new additions to the game, never seen before and can be found in the Crown Shop for 4,500 Crowns each. Notice the theme though? Yes, Pirate101 is celebrating Friendships, after all this is a family game!

Pirate101 has got the holidays in swing with their 12 Days of the Spiral event, which is a cool calendar on their site! As the event name says, it will last only for 12 days and each day, they will reveal something great on the calendar. It could be new items in Crown Shop such as pets and/or mounts, new sale on bundles or free furniture.

KingsIsle is celebrating the fourth birthday of Pirate101 from now through November 2nd. During the event, Skull Island will be festively decorated and players will enjoy the gifts showered on them in celebration of the big anniversary.

Pirate101 now has a brand new dungeon, the Dreadnaught, in the Skull Island Skyway where you can get neat furniture that you will only see in Wizard101. You also have a chance of getting super cool Haywire Armada weapons.

The Pirate101 site has been updated with a new note about a rogue Dreadnaught that has its sights set on the Spiral. Surrounded by a formidable Armada, the Dreadnaught is ripe for plunder when (or if!) groups of players take it down.

So, it’s officially going to be October very soon and honestly it’s such a fun month in Pirate101! It may sound like a lot. It is. But it’s a great thing! Here’s my five things I’m looking forward to October in Pirate101.

One of the coolest things you can do in Pirate101 other than fighting, sailing, farming, PvPing, decorating your houses. Yes, Pirate101 has so many diversions you could do to keep you busy! But my favorite is hatching for new and improved pets. To be more specific, finding a new hybrid pet! A hybrid pet means that in Pirate101, you can combine two pets to create a brand new pet that can’t be found in any other way!