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Pathfinder Online

Goblinworks | Official Site


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MMOFTW - Pathfinder Resets Its Course

This week is all about the Pathfinder Online shake-up, Marvel Heroes layoffs, WildStar's F2P launch, Guild Wars 2's raids, and Crowfall's alpha testing. Watch and learn!

Gameplay Footage Spotlights Q3 Development

The latest Pathfinder Online developer diary has been posted on the official page and it features a nifty video with in-game footage to show off how hard the team has been working to meet the latest series of goals for Quarter 3 2013.

Ryan Dancey Talks Crafting And More

MMORPG.com interviewing Ryan Dancey CEO of Goblinworks about Pathfinder Online. How's the game doing since the crowdforging goal was reached?