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Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen

Visionary Realms | Official Site


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Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Articles

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Dev Talks Combat, Limited-Action Sets In New Interview

In a new interview with YouTuber Bazgrim, Visionary Realms' Creative Director Chris "Joppa" Perkins talks about Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Live Stream Talks NPC AI, Encounters, More

A recent Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen live stream discussed NPC AI, encounter, and much more.

Pantheon Producer's Letter Shares Update on COVID-19, Work Done This Past Week

The latest Producer's Letter for Pantheon covers off the team's response to COVID-19 as well as covering off work done in the last week.

Check Out Pantheon's Shaman Abilities

In case you missed it, Pantheon showed off the abilities of its Shaman in an hour-long live stream.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Shares Hour-Long Making Of Featurette

A new hour-long Making-Of video for Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has arrived.

Pantheon February Producer's Letter Outlines Upcoming Features

Pantheon has issued a new Producer's Letter for February, outlining what's next for the game.

Pantheon Dev Team Looks Ahead To 2020 With New Producer's Letter

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen has had a year. The highly anticipated MMO has been trucking along this year, with livestreams and blog updates to keep the user base who are looking forward to the game informed. Recently the team released a final Producer's Letter for 2019 looking back on the year as well as ahead to 2020.

Celebration of Life Service For Brad McQuaid To Be Rebroadcast Today

For those who couldn't make it after the tragic news of Pantheon and EverQuest Developer Brad McQuaid's passing, the Celebration of Life will be rebroadcast tonight on Twitch.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Along With Brad McQuaid's Family Establish Scholarship In His Memory

Last month the MMO world suffered a blow as visionary game designer Brad McQuaid passed away. Today, the team behind his latest vision, Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, have announced a new scholarship in his honor.

Pantheon Live Stream Memorial to Brad McQuaid Taking Place Tomorrow

Just a heads up, the Pantheon memorial stream for Brad McQuaid will begin tomorrow.

Brad McQuaid, EverQuest and Pantheon Developer, Has Passed Away

Brad McQuaid, a legendary game designer who worked on EverQuest, Vanguard: Saga of Heroes and most recently Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen, has passed away according to a tweet on the official Pantheon twitter.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen October Video Newsletter Outlines Racial Passive Abilities

In a new video by the Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Team, Creative Director Chris Perkins takes a dive into discussing the different pass abilities of the races found in the game. In the almost 40-minute long video, the team takes a deep dive into Pantheon's races, showcases the Spriggan from the concept phase through to the model itself as well as answer questions from the community.

Pantheon Dev Blog Details PvP Plans, Instancing And More

Recently, Pantheon's Brad McQuaid has posted a few items to the game's blog on a variety of subjects, specifically touching on PvP and Instancing in Pantheon.

Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen September Newsltetter breaks down Class Design, Weapons, More

The latest Pantheon Rise of the Fallen newsletter contains new details on class design, weapons, and more.

New Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen Newsletter Updates Fans About Project Faerthale

The latest Pantheon: Rise of the Fallen newsletter is out and about, this time with an update about Project Faerthale, "the main point of emphasis for [the] entire team". In addition, readers are introduced to Faerthale's lore and a "virtual roadmap" of the Elven lands. There is also an interview with one of the Pantheon team members and, as usual, the community spotlight.