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Pagan Online

Wargaming.net | Official Site


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Pagan Online Articles

Pagan Online is Now Known as Pagan: Absent Gods

Pagan Online has now transition from an online game to the single player title Pagan: Absent Gods. The Devblog that announced this information explains that the reasons behind the change were due to the strain of maintaining the multiplayer servers.

Pagan Online Review

There are quite a few people hyped for the next ARPG worth sinking your teeth into, especially since the disappointing announcement that “Diablo 4” would be a mobile rendition of the game ("Don’t you all have a phone??"). Pagan Online, developed by Mad Head Games, is catching the eye of quite a few people with its fast-paced clicky combat and Slavic themed storyline. I recently had a chance to go hands-on and enjoy the game at my own pace and stand at the ready to share my notes. So strap in, grab your hammer (or spellbook) and get your monster-slaying spectacles on - we’re diving in.

Pagan Online Impressions: Anya Is a Force To Be Reckoned With

In my first moments as the Blood Ritualist, Anya in Pagan Online, I knew I found the character I wanted to play from the get go. Deadly stylish and able to tackle large groups at range, how does this character, and Pagan Online on the whole, fare thus far?

Pagan Online Official Launch Date + Major Game Updates

Earlier today, Wargaming and Mad Head Games announced hack-n-slash action RPG Pagan Online will officially launch, exiting Early Access, on August 27 for $29.99.

Pagan Online Receives Its First Big Update to Fundamentally Change the Game

Pagan Online has been updated with the first of a series of major patches based on player feedback. It comes with some game-altering changes that have necessitated the wiping of all player progress to date. However, all players will be compensated for the wipe. This includes the unlocking of three starter heroes on all accounts. Players will also receive a Hero Soul and 150 shards for each heros (1200 shards). Players will not have to replay the tutorial when first logging in.

Pagan Online Devs Lay Out the Road to Release with Big New Features Included

The Pagan Online team has posted a lengthy note on the game's Steam page to provide information to the community about what is in the works heading towards full retail release. "We know how Pagan Online should change in order to best transition from Early Access to release," the post reads. That includes responding to community feedback by tweaking existing systems and including brand new features over the course of the coming months.

Pagan Online Update Introduces Two-Player Co-Op Mode

For Pagan Online players, today's news that co-op has been brought online should come as a welcomed surprise. This is, according to the update notes, the first iteration of co-op. In addition, the hero controls have received a bit of tuning and the damage calculation model has been adjusted. Lastly, "a little bird tells us the new hotspots for farming epic materials are the Threats".

Pagan Online First Impressions

I always appreciate when a developer ventures out into the unknown and works to bring something unique to the table. SO when Pagan Online, the fast-paced hack, slash. Loot ARPG was announced on Steam’s Early Access I was a bit intrigued by the whole affair. Boasting a desire to advance the ARPG formula while still holding firm to its rooms, Mad Head Games has set out to deliver a fresh perspective on one of my most beloved genres.

Pagan Online: Wargaming.net Strikes Again

Wargaming.net adds Pagan Online to their growing list of published titles. Red Thomas dives into the game to see if it looks likely to live up to some of their other high-revenue games and explores what players might expect from the hack-and-slash RPG.

Pagan Online Bursts Into Early Access with Two New Trailers

Wargaming has taken everyone by surprise with the stealth launch of Pagan Online into Steam Early Access. To celebrate the EA launch, Wargaming has unleashed a pair of new trailers, one a cinematic look at the game and one focused completely on gameplay.

Pagan Online Combines Familiar Genres for Tons of Epic Fun

When you think "Wargaming," the first thing that probably comes to mind is World of Tanks or, perhaps, World of Warships. Pagan Online is Wargaming's latest offering, and it proves that the company is about more than just military-based action titles. Pagan Online is filled with surprises and is a fun combination of several genres all stirred together for a new twist on the familiar. The surprise, however, began with the game's unexpected launch into Early Access late last night.

Pagan Online Hands On Preview

We got the chance to sit down with the team from Pagan Online to go over some of the updates on the game making waves in the action RPG space. In a genre which continues to innovate and bring players together from a very hardcore community, Pagan Online is bringing a fresh take on the hack and slash nature of these titles. Created by Uros Banjesevic and the team at Mad Head Games, Pagan is published by Wargaming.net which turned a few heads when announced. Overall, the game looks to break new ground and so far we like what we see.

Pagan Online Devs Targeting Mid-February for the Next Alpha Event

The Pagan Online site has been updated with a new letter from Product Director Jacob Beucler and Creative Director Uros Banjesevic. In it, they speak to the recent "Trial" (alpha event) that did not go too well with servers having to be closed within hours of opening. The letter speaks to how hard the team has been working to correct the issues and that it is targeting a mid-February date for the next Trial.

Pagan Online Gameplay Trailer - A Familiar Feel for ARPG Fans

Wargaming and Mad Head Games have released the first gameplay trailer for the upcoming "action RPG MMO" Pagan Online. Fans of ARPGs will find themselves right at home watching the game in action, including the UI, item drops, execution of skills and much more. Check it out and let us know what you think in the comments!