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Zenith: The Last City Update Adds New Cosmetic Gear, Event Quests, Full Body Haptics, and Many Fixes

Christina Gonzalez Posted:
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Zenith: The Last City will be getting a new patch, and this update will add new cosmetic gear, event quests, fix some bugs, and some additional quality of life improvements.

While the update doesn't have an official date, the release window has been announced as August 9th to Thursday, August 11th, so we can expect it to happen soon. There are new event quests, and new cosmetic gear that also introduces a brand new currency. The new gear, Neowear gear, is unlockable via the new currency, Neowear coins, that you can get from the new quests, including dailies, that will award some after the update. There’s also a new synthesis station for crafting the Neowear gear. Seems like you get started by finding a new NPC, Ali, “who will start you on your swag journey”. 

Also in the update are changes to instances that shorten player respawn time and extend the damage contribution for dungeon and raid bosses.There's also now a two-hour time limit on instances before they close. The Infernal Core also has a new player respawn point that is now located on the platform and the boss room will take a little longer to close. These practical changes are based on player feedback. 

Since this is considered a mini update, it's mostly concerned with fixes and only small content additions. Some of the fixes include cosmetic blade weapons now working as intended, cooking stations no longer spawning in the air, some invisible items restored to visibility, and cosmetic items now added to the cosmetic tab.

The update also adds full body haptics support if you are using suitable hardware. If you’re looking to make Zenith an even more immersive experience, this is one way to do that.

You can read the full notes over at Zenith: The Last City.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.