If you’ve been grinding the latest Chaotic Alliance Raid, you can finally cash in a little bit better for the most coveted items. The latest 7.16 update for Final Fantasy 14’s ongoing post-expansion content allows you to trade up your Cloud of Darkness earnings for other stuff, and you can finally see the conclusion of the latest role quest series.
Right now, at least two Clouddark Demimateria I drop for each Cloud of Darkness clear, plus one Clouddark Demimateria II; there’s also a chance more I’s drop during the “bonus” time periods, and two II’s always drop if first-timers are present. The I’s can be traded for gear, and the IIs can be saved for guaranteed mounts and hairstyles.
Now, if you’ve done a lot of clears, you can start trading up for those coveted glamours. If you’ve picked up 5 Clouddark Demimateria I, you can trade it up for one Clouddark Demimateria II. You just need to speak to Uah’shepya in Solution Nine, where all the other tradable tokens are for Dawntrail duties.
FFXIV patch 7.16 also includes new role quests. If you’ve managed to complete all the role quests so far—one questline each for healers, physical ranged DPS, melee DPS, tanks, and magic DPS—you’ll be able to continue your unserious investigation into the very serious Passage of the Unbound throughout the star. Plus, the PvP season has started anew, and rankings are up.
As for what’s beyond the 7.1 patch series, we’re not exactly sure what’s to come yet, but chances are we’ll hear soon, as per the usual schedule, it’s likely to come mid-March.