World of Warcraft will be headed into its next chapter with The War Within in August, but there's some fun to be had in Azeroth with the return of the Midsummer Fire Festival.
The event is here with activities to enjoy in Dragonflight and in Cataclysm Classic. Running from June 21st to July 5th, there are even some new things to collect. Debuting in this festival is the new Skyriding customization option, a new festival themed Cliffside Wylderdrake Armor. Head to some of the major Horde and Alliance cities to earn yourself Burning Blossom, the event currency, and holiday loot rewards for dailies. In Classic, head to the capitals.
You can run special event dailies to get experience, gold and more event currency. There are a number of activities to take part in, including dancing around the ribbon pole, stealing flames from the bonfire of the opposing faction, learning how to juggle flaming torches, and event quests.
With this event, the World of Warcraft team is changing how the loot system works for holiday boss drops. Drop rates have been significantly boosted for the very first boss kill on a single account. Only the first attempt on your entire account will be eligible to receive the special item drop. In this case, The Frost Lord Ahune and the very valuable Frostscythe of Lord Ahune.
However, for every subsequent attempt you make on the boss with the same account, the chance to get that item will increase and for every failed attempt you make, the boosts will accumulate. The point is to nudge the RNG gods a little bit in a more positive direction So that your chances for finally getting that item will increase and you don't have to spend the entire event fighting for it.
This change should make things less tedious and more fun, and it still makes you work for your drops.