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World of Warcraft the War Within Beta Test is Now Live

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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The War Within Beta Test for World of Warcraft is now live. Players who received the invite or purchased the Epic Edition of the expansion can now dive right into the new content. 

Those who are given access to the beta will have the opportunity to experience The War Within firsthand and leave feedback for Blizzard, whether it be a bug or just a general query on the gameplay. In order to check if you have access, you can log directly into Battle.net to check if you see the Beta on the Development drop-down menu, or check your email for the invite. 

What exactly will we have access to in the Beta version of The War Within? We can test the new systems, the complete leveling experience, all of the new zones, dungeons, Delves, Warbrands, and the new playable race, Earthen. The Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deep, the highly anticipated area Hallowfall, and Azj-Kahet are all available to explore. 

The new race of course is also an exciting feature to explore, as we have met the Titan-Forged Earthen race in places like Ulduar in prior expansions. Now it is our turn to play as an Earthen ourselves and learn about their isolation from the outside world deep within Khaz-Algar. 

We will also be able to journey through the new dungeons such as The Rookery, The Stonevault, Priory of the Scared Flame, and more. The raids will not be available as of yet, but there are plenty of other features to enjoy while we wait. 

There is no set release date on The War Within as of yet, but we do know several of the new features that will come with the expansion such as the Warband system that allows us to swap items between characters on the same account seamlessly.