Each week, World of Warcraft's The War Within alpha testers gain access to new content to test out, enjoy, and showcase to fans. This week, the dev notes reveal the new dungeons, a new battleground with a familiar twist, and more.
The new battleground features a mechanic some players may be familiar with, as the Deephaul Ravine PvP battleground tasks players with collecting ores, crystals and gems. Either 8v8 or 10v10, the battleground contains mine carts that move along a track that players must control, which is reminiscent of Silvershard Mines. The twist here is that there is also a Deephaul Crystal in the center that players can capture in order to gain more points, almost like capturing a flag in Eye of the Storm.
The mine carts scattered about aren’t just for ore and gems, though. There is a mine track cart that runs above the battleground area, and we can hop inside to traverse the map quickly and efficiently to gain the upper hand.
New Warband content has also been added, giving us a chance to send Class Set tokens from legacy raids to other characters via the Warband System. This change will only be for legacy raids, and not new content, meaning it is only available for Shadowlands or earlier. This change is solely for transmog since these sets have low stats and low item levels.
Anyone involved in the Alpha has been advised to make new characters this week, just like the previous weeks, in order to get to the latest additions swiftly, but also because using your previous character can cause certain features to break. Starting with a level 78 character template, we can now get to level 80 and access the new hero talents, as well as experience the class changes that have been implemented this week firsthand.
These changes aren’t the only new and exciting things to hit World of Warcraft this week, as the Dark Heart update, which sets up the upcoming The War Within expansion. WoW Classic players also got the Cataclysm pre-patch to prep for this month’s launch of the next chapter in WoW’s history to hit the classic version of the MMO.