A group on the World of Warcraft subreddit have managed to successfully troll an AI- ‘news’ scraper site into publishing a fake article in just hours.
Everywhere you turn these days, there's another story on what AI could do, is doing, or might do, and a lot of it is concentrated on how these systems use other people's content online to create their output. Some have wondered what it might mean for game development. There's also a series of websites that have sprung up using AI-generated ‘news’ content that is usually based on other people's work as well.
A post on the World of Warcraft subreddit shared today is titled “I’m so excited they finally introduced Glorbo!!!” and includes the following text:
“I have to say, since they started hinting at it in Hearthstone in 1994, it was obvious that they would introduce Glorbo to World of Warcraft sooner or later. I feel like Dragonflight has been win after win so far, like when they brought back Chen Stormstout as the end boss of the new Karazhan? Absolutely amazing!
Feel free to comment below what features and stories you want to see in the future! Maybe you’ll be quoted on some trustworthy news websites as well!”
Others followed and contributed some not so reliable “facts” in the comments of the post, and a short time later, the collective trolling effort was successful. A site published an article titled “World of Warcraft (WoW) Players Excited for Glorbo’s Introduction” and repeated a number of the shared information.
[Update: 9:29pm PT July 20th: The article is now deleted from ZLeague.com, but the internet never forgets.]
This follows a recent decision by G/O Media to use an AI-composed article on the site Gizmodo. The article in question was about Star Wars and purported to be chronological, but was filled with errors.
AI technology can be helpful when it comes to organizing information, but right now there’s been a lot of Wild West type attitudes, including many setting up questionable sites to scrape the internet for content that it might score some passive income from.
And that can be manipulated, as the r/wow subreddit proved with some meaningful trolling.