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World of Warcraft Devs Delve Deeper Into Delves, Dungeons, Raids, and PvP In The War Within

Sam Plaisance Updated: Posted:
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World of Warcraft: The War Within is only a few short weeks away, and the latest deep dive into what to expect from the expansion may have just revealed some interesting things about Dracthyr.

Dragonflight brought us the Dracthyr, but they were isolated with only one class to choose from upon launch and throughout the expansion. During the deep dive video, those who pay close attention noticed that a Dracthyr was holding two-handed axes, which those who play Evokers know is impossible. 

This alludes to the fact that there may just be new Dracthyr classes coming at some point, including what is speculated in the comments to be the Warrior class in question from the video. Back in April of this year, there was an interview conducted by  with Game Director Ion Hazzikostas who stated that yes, there will be more options in terms of classes, but they did not specify as to when we could expect to see them

The War Within brings new content to enjoy and take part in, but one of the most notable additions is the Warband System, which was initially announced in 2023 at Blizzcon. Warbands allow us to seamlessly transfer items and currency to other characters on our accounts, which if we take a note from Diablo’s Stash feature, is a nifty tool to have in our back pocket. 

Getting gold across realms to other characters was a bit of a chore back in the day, so having a Warband bank storage system allows players to earn currency or collect items on their main and send it over to an alt easily. The system does have limitations, though, as not every piece of gear or item we collect can be transferred using the Warband Bank. Even so, it still allows us to loot a piece of Plate gear on our Mage and send it over to our Paladin rather than letting it go to waste. 

Another change brought to The War Within allows Renown reputation to be account-wide. Though this does come at a bit of a cost as the Racial passive for Humans in-game will no longer be a thing, it does allow us to plow through content on a main character and utilize the leg-up of reputation-locked features on alt characters. The Warband Quest feature also allows us to complete quests account-wide, and though we can complete them again on alts if we so choose, it means we can now pick and choose which ones we have left to complete to earn even more account-wide reputation. 

End-game content will also be getting a few changes, as the addition of Meta quests opens up even more for veteran and new players alike. These are new repeatable quests for players to take part in after they reach end-game, and will now appear on the map with a new icon inside of major cities. These are highlighted due to the hefty end-game rewards we can earn if we find ourselves running out of things to do.