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World of Warcraft Classic Summer Bowl PvP Tournament Announced

Starts June 17

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The Classic Summer Bowl PvP tournament is headed to World of Warcraft, starting on June 17.

This tournament is a 10v10 Warson Gulch tournament over three weekends. Teams in NA and EU will compete during this time for a chance to win $4000 USD per region. As such, these games will occur on the WoW Classic servers and will leverage the War Game feature.

Signups for the tournament will be open for players with a character at level 60 or higher. You can sign up for NA here, and EU here. There will be two stages for the tournament called qualifiers and finals. Note that qualifiers will feature open sign up. However, the finals will only include the top six teams per region.

The teams will queue up in battlegrounds and face off against the other teams in their region. You can catch the full calendar of events for the tournament here. Blizzard notes that they’ll have more information to share on how you can watch the tournament soon.