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World of Warcraft Classic Lead Asks Twitter About PvP Server Consolidation

Sam Plaisance Posted:
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World of Warcraft Classic developer Tom Ellis has taken to Twitter with a pretty interesting question for players, and it could create one of the most epic PvP realms of all time based on player feedback. 

In a recent Twitter post from the dev, he states that Faerlina-US and Benediction-US are fake PvP realms that consist of 99% of each faction, meaning one has 99% Horde players and the other has 99% Alliance. With those numbers, of course, there are real players who migrated to those realms, and the amount is almost equal in player size across both realms. 

The developers want to bring both realms into one realm with faction balancing turned on, but the main caveat being that most of the players who chose those realms as their home did not really want to be a part of real-life PvP realms where they could be one shot in Nesingwary with little regard. The devs wonder if that would make the vast majority of players leave that realm, or would they stay to create the “spiciest Cata PvP realm to have ever existed”?

As for the fan replies and comments, it’s a mixed bag, with some saying they would love to see how it plays out while others want it to remain the small community that it is without the Megaserver status. 

Now, the developers of World of Warcraft Classic are becoming more involved in all aspects, which can be a great thing. As we saw earlier this month, there are more devs working on the game than ever to give fans the nostalgia they’ve craved from OG World of Warcraft for eons now. But, do players really want the developers messing around with realms that have already been their home for as long as they can remember? Only time will tell along with the feedback given on the Twitter thread.