After tomorrow, it will officially be release month for World of Warcraft’s Dragonflight expansion. Blizzard has now revealed what you can earn by watching streaming content when Twitch Drops are enabled. They include pets, mounts, and more.
Of course, phase one of the Dragonflight pre patch is already out, and the beta continues. Streamers will be planning all kinds of content to get everyone ready to jump on board at full launch on November 28th. By watching the content, you'll get to know a little bit before you actually get into Dragonflight (unless you've already been testing it out) and enjoy some loot for putting in some time with Blizzard's new expansion.
The first Twitch drop will be available November 15th through November 17th. If you watch at least four hours of World of Warcraft Dragonflight content while this is active, you'll get a new pet, the Serpentine Dragon Kite. This little flying pet will keep you company from above as you go on your adventures.
The next round of Twitch Drops will begin on Dragonflight launch day, November 28th. If you watch four hours of content from November 28th through November 30th at 11:59 p.m. Pacific time, you will be able to earn a Feldrake mount. Since Dragonflight will feature taking to the skies, this mount will be a pretty relevant addition to your roster.
The final round of announced drops will take place from December 13th through December 28th. The end of the year is coming and if you watch two hours of content in from certain Twitch channels while this one is active you'll get the Perpetual Purple Firework toy to light up the sky.
You can check out the rules as well as the Support a Streamer campaign, which seeks to support WoW streamers by gifting those streamers Twitch subscriptions to give out. Participate and you’ll earn yourself another pet, the Ichabod Harvest Golem.
For full details, read the announcement at World of Warcraft.