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Wolcen's Next Content Patch Slated for Late October

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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The Wolcen team have shared when we can expect the next content patch for the ARPG.

The development update notes they had originally planned on releasing this next content update in the September/October period, but they say it’s more realistic to expect a late October or early November release date.

They note this extra time will allow for analyzing feedback gathered after the Arise release for summons in addition to extra polish for endgame. The team also note they aim to push patches for bug fixes more frequently between the larger content patches.

The team also asks for community feedback regarding your favorite playstyle, share your build, and any additional build ideas you may have. They highlight their main goals:

  • We want to keep improving the core of the game by implementing more frequent bug-fixing patches. 
  • We want to give you more activities in the end-game so you have fun no matter whether you are min-maxing, chasing gear, or just slaying to your heart's content.
  • We want to give you more build diversity to allow for fun and unique build ideas to emerge and be viable in the late stages of the game. 

You can check out the full August development update here. Wolcen has seen plenty of updates and tweaks since it release back in February of last year.