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Wizard City is Getting a Facelift & New Features Coming with the Next Update

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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Wizard101 will be going offline for the next update that is pack to the gills with all sorts of neat things for everyone. Players can look forward to an epic facelift for Wizard City itself from Unicorn Way to Olde Town. Character Creation, Character Selection and the Tutorial will all be updated too. It's not just visuals either, but also includes new sound and music.

Other things players can look forward to after the update:

  • Magic Mirror Shop in Wizard City with new hairstyles, colors, skin tones and faces
  • Become a Photomancer - Go through a questline to learn to take normal or selfie mode pictures
  • Azteca fishing
  • new Monstrology Animus types to capture
  • bug fixes, combat adjustments and additional art / sound

Read the full update notes on the Wizard101 site.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom