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Win Double Rewards for Camp and Homestead Robberies in Red Dead Online

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Earn double rewards for Camp and Homestead robberies across Red Dead Online this week.

You can receive double RDO$ and XP on Camp and Homestead robberies this week. This include Clearing House and Dirty Money, Dirty Deeds, plus an Offer for 30% off a Revolver for completing either mission which is awarded within 72 hours.

Any players ranked 100+ with Low Honor this week will unlock the You vs. Me Emote and players Rank 100+ players with High Honor and maintain it this week through August 23 will unlock the Jovial Laugh Emote.

Anyone who completes any Free Roam Mission will be rewarded a select pair of gloves up to Rank 15 which will be awarded within 72 hours.

Playing at any point this week will get you a special care package including 3 Potent Health Cures and 3 Special Miracle Tonics, available at the Post Office or in your Camp Lockbox.

Owners of The Quick Draw Club No. 1 who purchase the second installment by August 23 will receive RDO$300 and 2,000 Character XP, plus purchasing all four installments of The Quick Draw Club will net a Reward to claim the upcoming Halloween Pass 2 for free

Discounts this week include 50% off all Consumables at the Doctor, 30% off all Multi Class Horses, the Fast Travel Post, all Throwable Weapons, all Bandanas, and all Cosmetic Role Items from Madam Nazar

Finally, anyone who connects to Prime Gaming before August 30 will receive a Reward for a free Hat up to Rank 15, as well as Offers for 50% off the Rolling Block Rifle and 30% off select Camp Equipment from Wilderness Outfitters.

You can learn about what’s new this week in Red Dead Online over at Rockstar Newswire.