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WildStar's Run Comes to an End on November 28th, Final Update Deployed

Suzie Ford Updated: Posted:
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The WildStar site has been updated with the precise date that the game will shut down for good: November 28th. The final update has been deployed that turns off all real-money transactions and offers players refunds for recent purchases. In addition, a number of events will take place between now and the final day of service including Residential Renovation, Shade's Eve, Protostar's Gala Winterfest Extravaganza and a special final day event for "some fun" with the devs.

The final update to the game was released today, which introduced a few changes aimed at ensuring you can enjoy everything WildStar has to offer.

  • Any Protobucks you have will be converted to Omnibits at a 1:1 conversion.
  • Omnibit drops are being increased.
  • The Omnibit cap has been raised substantially.
  • All in-game store items will be purchasable with Omnibits.
  • All seasonal store items and rotating costumes/mounts will be available on the store.
  • All Signature Station items will be available on the regular store.
  • Everyone will receive Signature status.
  • Gear drops from Prime instances and raids have had their base ilevel increased higher than they normally would be.
  • Primal Essence gain rates are being substantially increased.
  • Select endgame reputations can be maxed out, letting you access everything the faction vendors have to offer.

Check out the dates for each event and the announcement post on the WildStar site.

When Carbine first started working on what would become WildStar back in 2005, the team set out to make something special that presented a different kind of MMORPG experience. At launch, the Carbine team delivered a deep, engaging, and spectacularly fun game full of outlandish adventures on the most legendary planet in the universe. And it has been our great privilege to share those adventures with all of you over the last four years.


Suzie Ford

Suzie is the former Associate Editor and News Manager at MMORPG.com. Follow her on Twitter @MMORPGMom