After a some time in early access, Wild Terra 2 is out today on Steam.
If you’re unfamiliar with Wild Terra 2, it’s pitched as allowing you to live your life in a, “medieval world controlled by players.” You’ll b able to live in a territory currently occupied, or set forth and conquer new lands.
Just like any game, the team plans to keep updating it with new features, quality of life improvements, and much more. Here’s what the team has specified so far,
- Further improvements to Farming, Fishing, Cooking, and the addition of Livestock.
- A new continent every season! With its own conditions, inhabitants, dungeons, resources, and rewards. We plan to launch the first season by June 2021.
- Even more elements for building houses, creating furniture and decor.
- Special activities for solo players.
- Skills Cartography, Witchcraft, Bard, improvements of Healing.
- Improved combat system with even more variety of equipment, abilities, and roles.
- New types of weapons and skills to use them: Crossbows, Two-handed, Polearms, Weapons in both hands, Throwing bombs, Staffs and Musical instruments.
- Castle sieges and PvP tournaments.
- Guild improvement. Special dungeons with activities, bosses, and rewards. Guild Wars.