Borderlands 4 has gotten its first trailer by way of The Game Awards, with a proper look at the in-game characters and settings and combat to come.
This new “First Look” trailer shows off the first details about the setting and characters we’ll be dealing with, including a lady with two giant arms and our obligatory nameless protagonist. We also get some in-engine looks at the world we’ll be roaming (and blowing up), including the obligatory ragtag team of possible allies we’ll be fighting alongside.
And, of course, there’s guns—lots of cool guns. We get a few looks at what you’ll be looting and shooting, and shooting to loot, and shooting at to loot from. Claptrap’s there, too, don’t worry, though the trailer lacks a bit of the comedic, light-hearted edge many of the other games have displayed so far. Hopefully it makes it back in
Right now, Borderlands 4 appears to be set for release on PC (via Steam and Epic), plus Playstation and Xbox.