The Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley Battlegrounds have just gone live in World of Warcraft Classic’s 20th Anniversary Edition realms.
Phase 2’s second release now means that you’ve had time to prepare to challenge others in outdoor PvP in the newly-added Battlegrounds. Warsong Gulch and Alterac Valley were both set to go live at 2pm ET/ 5pm ET, one week after the first phase 2 content was added. There was a reason for the delay. And that reason was Blizzard devs embracing chaos.
This second phase began last week with the release of the Dire Maul dungeon and the world bosses Azurego and Kazzak. Importantly, the updated Honor system was also implemented, and this was the reason for the one-week gap between the content rollouts. The updated system is the one that was already in use on the non-anniversary World of Warcraft Classic era Realms and in the Season of Discovery (which itself gets a new phase starting on January 28th). When the new Honor System was originally changed back in 2019, the team wound up moving up the release because of all the PVP chaos but now they decided just to keep the delay.
The Honor cap is now 11, with that expected jump to 14 after Blackwing Lair releases.
For now, though, the chaos has been brought to an end and order reigns. Sort of. Get out there and see if you can best a few others in some Battlgrounds.