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Warhammer 40K E3 First Impressions

Jon Wood Posted:
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Warhammer 40K was perhaps the most anticipated MMO announcement at E3. Today, Garrett Fuller, our resident 40K expert, breaks down the new information in this first impressions article.

This week at E3 we got a chance to see the Warhammer 40K Online trailer and talk to some of the developers from Vigil Studios about the game. Of all the IPs out there for game worlds, 40K is very complex and has an incredibly passionate fan base. From what we saw the team over at Vigil has just as much passion as the fans and for me that is an excellent start.

By now you have all watched the trailer and so you know about as much as we do on the game. My only disappointment with what we saw is that it was not enough. Then again it is still deep in development and the team at Vigil was honest about the process and setting up a schedule for information that will keep fans happy and not give away too much too soon. Nothing is worse than waiting for information on the game, but at least THQ is taking the fans seriously and has a plan to keep us happy throughout development until the game is launched.

Read Warhammer 40K E3 First Impressions.