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War of Dragnorox Takes Us into Development Progress, While Devs Promise Regular Updates

Christina Gonzalez Updated: Posted:
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 Independent MMORPG War of Dragnorox has a January update and a thorough breakdown of how development is going on the game. With a beta target of about a year from now, the new update focuses on how the small team plans to proceed with both new developments and further updates now that the game has been announced with significant development progress.

War of Dragnorox is an upcoming MMORPG for PC that is very much inspired by the classics, but with modern touches. The plans for release are ambitious, but everything in the game that players are able to get will be something they can earn, with a promise of no microtransactions. The team plans for over 30 zones to explore, along with a full slate of classes, features like raids, and a character customization and skill-based system that forms the base of progression. In essence, it’s inspired by a passion for the MMORPG genre and meant to reflect the strengths of the genre.

The January update opens up the door a little more, following the initial announcement. We can expect new announcements every month at minimum, with looks at what the team is building and taking us into the various systems planned. One of these upcoming  updates will revolve around the planned Dungeon Master system, which is a way the team promises to include real DMs to help “coordinate and control “ content. There have been many questions about this system in particular, with the team noting that the whole system is fully prototyped with various hurdles to implementation addressed. 

Another element to the update is the introduction of a development update page showing a breakdown of progress on the various systems. This is there in an effort to be transparent about just how things are going. The current overall progress meter stands at 65%, with systems like  the persistent database and initial character builds at 100%, character creator at 10%, zones at 85% built, and other things anywhere from 0-100%, but many at modest to high percentages. 

Overall, this type of update page is helpful when we’ve seen it used, so if you’re interested in War of Dragnorox this is one to keep an eye on as the months progress. They’re looking at a planned later 2023 release.


Christina Gonzalez

Christina is MMORPG.COM’s News Editor and a contributor since 2011. Always a fan of great community and wondering if the same sort of magic that was her first guild exists anymore.