The Ilysia VR team is planning for Early Access sometime this month.
In a series of recent Tavern Talks, members of the Team 21 Studios team have chatted about some lessons learned through their playtests and the challenges of bringing an independent MMORPG to life. Those discussions involved features, focusing on the wrong features at times, and the very difficult process of securing funding for the development of an independent studio making a VR MMO. Instead of turning to crowdfunding again, which would be a limited process, they have decided to opt for Early Access.
As for what this Early Access will look like, the Ilysia team teased a few things we can look forward to on the game’s official Discord today.
"We are targeting Early Access launch for THIS MONTH!
? TONS of Bug Fixes ??
? New Zones ???
? New Races ??
? Brand New Starting Areas ???
? Brand New Tutorials ??
Our team is THRILLED to be reaching this next milestone and getting our community in and playing Ilysia! Be on the lookout for more information during this spooky month and when you can expect to jump into the world of Ilysia!”
There isn’t too much to go on, but this, coupled with their most recent Tavern Talks, do provide a broad idea of what to expect. The team is encouraging community feedback along the way, since this is Early Access and feedback will help influence the priority of updates and features. Because it is a VR MMORPG, the way everything looks and feels is even more important in a different way from a traditional game.
They’ve promised to focus back on their flexible Freeforge class system, which soaked up a lot of work pre-beta, and then was sidelined. Early Access will be larger than the beta and they’ve promised a slate of improvements for the launch.