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Vampire: the Masquerade - Bloodlines 2's Latest Dev Diary Introduces us to the Anarchs

Casey Bell Posted:
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Paradox Interactive and The Chinese Room are back with another dev diary for Vampire: the Masquerade – Bloodlines 2. In the game’s last dev diary, the team introduced us to the Camarilla and its characters, but this latest dev diary puts a focus on some of the game’s characters who exist outside of the organization, such as the Anarchs.

The Anarchs are considered to be “Unbound” that is to say they are vampires outside of the Camarilla, which is essentially a form of vampire government. Anarchs in vampire society seek to be free of the Camarilla’s control. Some do this by hiding away from its grasp and others take a more proactive approach by fighting back, attempting to wrest control away from the Camarilla by conquering its domains.

Anarchs are sometimes led by a Baron in each city, but more often leadership is spread out amongst gangs who each hold their own territories. While the Camarilla tends to manipulate mortal society from the outside, Anarchs tend to maintain a mortal identity with typical trappings of a mortal life including families and jobs. This makes them more vulnerable if they make mistakes, but also offers a sense of security in that they are unlikely to find themselves as a vampire lord in a castle waiting to be slain by humans carrying torches and pitchforks.