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Valheim's Composer AMA Talks All About Music

Poorna Shankar Posted:
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Valheim’s composer, Patrik Jarlestam, held an AMA on Reddit earlier where he took questions from the community about all things music in the Viking-themed survival game.

The questions spanned a breadth of musical topics. One of the top questions asked was whether there would be a future update to add more music to the game. Patrik replied that he’d love to compose more music for the game, and that he actually composed all the music for the current game in about four months.

He also noted that he and the team have talked about more music, but he noted that due to the exploding popularity, the team has been very focused on gameplay. However, he stated that he’s onboard when they do decide to add more music.

Another popular question was that regarding the availability of a soundtrack. Patrik, noted that he delivered the streaming mixes to the team and they’ll release it once the details are sorted out. We don’t have a date for that yet, however.

A question from YouTuber Skill Up asked about the looping quality of the music, and how he never tired of it. He then asked what Patrik through made Valheim so successful. Patrik provided a detailed response,

“Fun mechanics and gameplay, an art style that sets it apart from others and make's it accessible for many more players to play without extreme gaming setups, music that is accessible and recorded with real musicians that can be played many times without becoming "looped" early on. The game is in the starting meadows a nice place to be for a long time, and that might just be what we needed in 2021 after 2020, and that people wanted an experience after a big game like Cyberpunk 2077 maybe wasn't what many thought it would be (as an experience), together with a great price point!I really like Cyberpunk, but I think it's tough to be on par with expectations over such a long time as its development cycle was, and Valheim filled the zeitgeist really well after that (I think)”